Medication delivery for workers' compensation claimants

Get your medications when you need them. Help is just a click or call away!

How it Works

Enroll today by phone

  • Call 877-678-5400 and speak to one of our enrollment specialists.

Let us handle the details

  • We will work with your prescribing physician to obtain your prescriptions as soon as possible.
  • Note: Only a physician’s office can call-in, fax or electronically prescribe medications. Patients must send any original prescriptions in their possession directly to TrustRx to fill.

For your peace of mind:

  • We will work closely with your worker’s compensation insurance carrier, your attorney and your prescribing physician to verify your claim, medication and authorizations and processing.

Fast, free & convenient home delivery:

  • We ship and fill your expedited medications at no cost to you, the patient.


E-Scribe: NCPDP 0328496

Pharmacy Phone: 877-678-5400
Pharmacy Fax: 877-678-5401

Hours of Operation

Mon – Fri: 6:00am – 5:00pm MST

Saturday: 8:00am – 12:00pm MST

Important Notes

  • When a prescription is sent in, per pharmacy regulation, TrustRx must speak to you before they are able to ship. Please answer and/or return their calls to expedite your delivery.
  • Controlled medications, if not e-scribed – must also be sent to the pharmacy in order to ship.
  • Only physician’s offices can fax/call in prescriptions – patient must send in originals if they have them in their possession.

Enroll Now

2320 West Peoria Avenue, Suite
D132, Phoenix, AZ 85029